Saturday, January 2, 2010

How to Lose 60 Pounds in 60 Days

How to Lose 60 Pounds in 60 Days? Can you really lose 1 pounds a day for 60 days? you bet for the link above and learn how the mother of two lost one pounds a day.

Obesity is when the natural energy stored (fat) in the the human body raises to levels that are dangerous high. Many overweight men and woman are so sick with their fat problems, that they're ready to do anything to lose their extra 60 lbs. Men and woman with a slower metabolism have to work really hard and exercise even to lose extra pounds.

60 days To Lose 60 Pounds of Body Fat will take some extra works and diets. I have a sugar addiction and have tried the Atkins for a few weeks. When you drop a lot of weight really fast, you need to really monitor where the weight is coming from. Is it water weight you are losing, body fat or muscle mass?

Losing weight does not have to be hard if you look at it in terms of losing just 1 pounds everyday then you can see real results in losing the weight you want.

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